Too many hats!

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Brooke Miceli
Vice President
Published Feb 2010
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I know that men can take on several roles, such as husband, dad, worker, bill payer, and more, but I am a woman, so I started thinking the other day- what if women had a hat for each role they had to play. My list for a multi-tasking mom was so long, I realized we would either need a tall hat rack or a REALLY big closet. I know I wouldn’t get any hesitation from accepting an offer like that, right ladies??

If you are a wife and a mom, hats off to you already. (Like my play on words??) You have to be a loving, supporting partner for your husband; then turn around to teach a toddler not to climb on the stove, wipe a runny nose, take the toys out of the fireplace, take a DVD out of the dishwasher and hold an arm out just in time to catch her from eating the dog food. Oh and that jelly-stained t-shirt on the floor won’t wash itself, but if you’re pregnant (like me), the last thing you want to do is bend over to pick it up, so you learn to use your toes like a monkey. And all this almost in a single breath!

You would hope that naptime is a time to relax and read a book, but I work from home, so naptime is still a whirlwind for me most days. I grab all my notes (that have been colorfully decorated with crayons), clean the peanut butter off my computer screen , toss on my writing hat and get to work. Really, as hectic as it can get even in those couple of hours, I adore it. Writing is my biggest passion aside from being a mom; I can create, think, problem-solve and eat some lunch in peace. I even play some Classic Sinatra in the background- can it really be any better than that??

If I am lucky on a particular day, I have time to do a little blogging (sounds like a dance, doesn’t it?) and edit some photos for my personal blog. But I get distracted by other blogs, and I run off to create some rendition of an idea someone else had. That’s when I put on my crafting/home decorating hat. And I must say, my home is starting to look like a million bucks for the price of a few Goodwill items, paint and a little tender love and care. Too cheesy? Sorry.

Yards don’t maintain themselves either, by the way. But I’m not so much of a gardening hat wearer. It depends on my luck with a particular plant, I suppose. I try every year though! I cut grass, trim weeds, edge bushes, and plant a garden. I have the best luck with herbs, but only harvested 3 tomatoes last year. Eh, it’s almost spring, so I can try again, right? By the way, mowing over dog toys is NOT a good idea. Just a little side note.

Aside from all of these things, I am a cook, a baker (a candlestick maker!), a vacuum repair-woman, a carpet steam cleaner, a baby-maker, an organizer, a HUGE list-maker, a dog trainer, a toddler teacher, a friend, a listener, a community volunteer, a church member, a student, a daughter, a granddaughter an aunt and a sister. Now, if you are a woman, and you have any of these hats to wear, I applaud you. Because I (as well as you) are probably exhausted but loving all your hats more than you knew you could. You know what I say? You deserve that big closet!

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