Energy plans that plant trees

Energy plans that plant trees
Creative direction: Drew Lyon
Project manager: Jessica McDaniel
Content strategist: Jessica McDaniel
Lead designer: Marian Brchan
What We Did
This project gave us an opportunity to learn about and help Provision promote the concept of “Energy Choice”. It means choosing an energy provider based on what’s important to you, instead of unthinkingly accepting the status quo. Competition is good, and Provision differentiates their offering by providing clean energy options you won’t typically get from your local utility. Now let’s talk about their website.
The concept of clean, green energy lends itself to a natural, free-flowing design. When you land on the homepage, you see a tree sprouting and blowing gently in the wind. It might be too obvious of a choice, if not for the fact that they actually plant trees as part of every energy plan. It’s an aspiration look with lots of room to breathe.
The rubber meets the road when a visitor wants to sign up. The most crucial aspect of this project was building a multi-step flow that understands where a visitor is, offers them available plans, then allows them to complete sign up. There were a lot of moving parts in what appears to be a simple front-end experience, so our UX and dev teams worked hand-in-hand to ensure the resulting smooth experience.