Book Review: “The E Myth Revisted”

Unless you want to completely rethink your outlook on business, your life as it pertains to your business and your true desire to be an “entrepreneur” and small business ...
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Travis McAshan
Published Dec 2009
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Don’t Read This Book!

Unless you want to completely rethink your outlook on business, your life as it pertains to your business and your true desire to be an “entrepreneur” and small business owner. Now, if you’re still interested, then read on and maybe I can shed some light on things.


Taking the Next Step

It just so happens that I’m almost finished with a really great book, “The E Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber, self-proclaimed “worlds #1 small business guru”. It’s been a great read and somewhat of an eye opener. If anything, it’s a stern wake-up call for the state of affairs for small business in America, and a punch to the gut for anyone that’s been in the trenches as a small business owner.

The E-Myth states (1) the entrepreneurial myth: the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs (2) the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work of a business can successfully run a business that does that technical work.

Give It To Me Straight

Gerber doesn’t hold anything back in his assessment in his diagnosis of the most common problems and adversity faced by the small business owner and their business as a whole. His viewpoints on the three separate faces of all small business owners is so inspiring that I couldn’t help but laugh at how accurate he portrayed my situation. Essentially, all business owners are a schizophrenic collection of three basic personalities…

  • The Technician
  • The Manager
  • The Entrepreneur

The Internal Struggle

As these three personalities wage war there is an inevitable outcome that always favors the technician in most business owners. This technician is extremely talented but without the traits of the other two personalities, they are NOT capable of maintaining a healthy growing business or company.

On Second Thought…

While I could explain more it’s best if you just TRUST me and get this book if own a business or plan to start one in the future. In my opinion it’s essential reading and is well worth the few bucks it’ll cost you over at amazon. Good luck and I hope you find it as interesting and enlightening as I did.

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