Lighting community gatherings
across the country

Lighting community gatherings
across the country
Creative direction: Ajia Leilani Wallace
Project manager: Paola Cárdenas
Content strategist: Jessica McDaniel
Lead designer: Marian Brchan
What We Did
With Techline, we had the pleasure of showcasing a service-driven team, their expansive portfolio of sport and field lighting projects, and the well-won expertise that goes into each project. It also gives us a bit of local pride to work with an Austin-based company that’s lighting community gatherings across the country.
Techline came to us with a rich collection of drone footage featuring crisply-lit green fields, stadiums, and flickering light shows. We wanted to immerse site visitors in this experience, so we built a full-screen video hero featuring a supercut of project highlights. If visitors still have questions about what Techline does, a subtle micro animation points them in the right direction.
To help high school coaches and parks directors achieve their lighting goals, we provided multiple pathways to reach their local rep, including a ZIP code search, a searchable list of representatives, and a general form. To make sure visitors find their way there, the global CTA features a load animation that shines a light on where to go.
What we learned
Since launching the site, we’ve seen improvements to KPIs across the board, including sessions, session duration, and bounce rate. Now that we’ve set up goals to track key conversions in Techline’s analytics, we’ll be able to see if we’re meeting our goals or if we need to make some upgrades. Whatever the case, we know this team will continue to knock it out of the park.