
Engineer with confidence with continuous verification


When the team at Verica told us we could create the website for their chaos engineering startup, we knew we were taking part in the start of something big. Boasting a leadership team with some of the foremost minds in their field, Verica is bringing systems reliability testing into the age of Continuous Verification.

Post Launch Results

Website Traffic
Desktop Traffic
Mobile Traffic
Connect the dots

Even when speaking to an audience of engineers, telling the story of a chaos engineering startup is a heady job. Verica has a strong brand, so our task was to adapt the branding in their promotional materials for a unified online presence. We took Verica’s motif of dots and intersecting lines, inspired by the tangled nodes of microservices network visualizations, and adapted it to tell the story not only making sense of complex systems but also the dispersed Verica team—spread across the country but connected by their passion for engineering.

At a Glance



All value—no spoilers

We challenged ourselves to show the value of Continuous Verification without granular detail about the product. Clear copy, supporting icons, and the story of Verica’s evolution communicate the authority of the Verica team and the benefits of Continuous Verification. Verica offers a free copy of O’Reilly’s book on chaos engineering as a lead magnet, and we built a landing page for this offer, complete with plenty of social proof, an impossible-to-miss call-to-action, and minimal opportunities to navigate away from the offer.

A Guided Tour

Most people arrive at through one of their thoroughly-researched articles. To get visitors to explore the company beyond the article in front of them, we decided to close each article with a content block that introduces Verica in a way that speaks to the context of the article. This content block invites visitors to explore the homepage. Once there, it’s obvious that Continuous Verification is a windfall for complex systems and the engineers that manage them.